Tuesday, November 17, 2009


One night a couple months ago I was asked who do I admire and why. My answer was my daughter, and the reason I gave was because of her love of for our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ and Heather’s dedication to serving Him wherever she is called.

This last Saturday I came to realize that there is much more to admire about Heather, let’s go back to July of this year when Heather was with the High School youth group from Rolling Hills Christian Church at CIY (Christ in Youth) in Southern California. Everyone who attended CIY was given an opportunity to take a commitment card, but if they took the commitment card they had to fulfill that commitment. The card Heather received was for her to run a marathon by the end of the year and to raise money for a cause she was passionate about.

Heather was serious about the commitment and she started training to run in the California International Marathon on December 6, 2009. The organization she is running for is PlayPumps International. PlayPumps is an amazing organization that installs some really cool water pumps in Africa.

Back to this last Saturday, I was out riding my new road bike on the bike paths around Lake Natomas and who should I pass but Heather, she was out running on her own putting in 20 miles in preparation for the marathon. Well I had to turn my bike around and for the next 3 hours I rode while Heather ran and we were able to spend some incredible quality time together.

So why else do I admire Heather, she is out to prove to the students that you can do anything you put your mind to and that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you (Phil. 4:13) and she is running to raise money for a project that has really been on her heart. http://andthishappens.blogspot.com/

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