Friday, May 8, 2009

Service Projects - Thursday April 9th

Thursday, another rainy day, we were scheduled to work at two different elementary schools in the North Highlands area. When we gathered at the church, all 18 of us, I made an executive decision for all of us to work together so we headed to Sierra View Elementary School.

When we arrived we found the gentleman who was in charge of maintenance for the school and to say he was thrilled to see us is an understatement. He was ready for our group and proceeded to take us through the list of work that he had planned for the day.

While giving all of us instructions on what he needed us to do for the day he received a phone call from his wife. Seems that his wife wanted to take a shower that morning so she asked the teenage daughter to watch the 4 year-old for just a few minutes. Well of course the teenager did not watch the 4 year-old so the child decided to grab a marker and go about writing on top of a desk in their home office. The conversation was very sweet on his part, you could hear the love in his voice for his wife. Knowing that we would be there to do lots of maintenance for the day he was able to head home and address the situation.

We had our instructions so we divided into teams, washing windows, sweeping walkways (those which were undercover - as it was still raining), mopping floors in the lunchroom, leveling bark in the play areas and knocking down spider webs.

We worked at the school for 4 - 5 hours until our list was completed, we put our tools away and headed back to the church. It was a great feeling to know that again today we really helped out someone, the maintenance man told us that he just never has enough time to get everything done, and if we had not shown up it would have been months before he would have had a chance to get to the chores on his list.

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