Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Service Projects - Tuesday April 7th

Tuesday was another day to serve the Lord in our community instead of building homes in Tecate, Mexico. Axel and I were the leaders again and the service project for Tuesday was to help out a senior member of our church (Bernie) with some chores around his house. We met at the church around 9:30 and to our surprise more students showed up to serve than we had expected, this was great because we really wanted to help Bernie out for the more work we could get done around his house the less he would have to worry about.

After missing a couple turns and stopping at the wrong house (I was driving the lead vehicle...mistake) we arrived at Bernie's house. Bernie came out to meet us in his wheelchair and he was so excited to see the number of volunteers that had come out to help him. After introducing Bernie to everyone Mitch and Carmen led us in prayer before we got started for the day.

Bernie was prepared for us, he had made out his to do list with 11 items on the list, everyone jumped in and started work on his to do list, one group started washing windows inside and out, another group started spreading bark for ground cover, there were weeds to pull, rocks to move, plants to fertilize, and walkways to sweep.

Within 5 hours all of Bernie's to do list was complete, he was so pleased and impressed with the group of young men and women, he complemented them on their efforts, and told them all that he had been concerned about his ability to stay in his home without some help with the upkeep of his home and property, but after their effort he felt confident he was okay for another year.

The kids were able to spend some time visiting with Bernie and getting to know him better, we hated to leave but Axel and I wanted to get everyone some lunch and then back to the church on time. We had to say goodbye to Bernie but not before everyone shared some hugs with him.

Sounds like we need to head back to Bernie's next year at this time.

Life Happens when we all pitch in and help out.

1 comment:

Ryan B said...

This sounds like a great week Papa J. I can't wait to hear what else all went down.