Monday, April 20, 2009

Service Projects - Monday April 6th

Since the decision was made to cancel the High School Mission Trip to Tecate Mexico over Spring Break this year, alternative plans were made to give the students an opportunity to still serve the Lord but on U.S. soil. While Matt and Heather (my amazing Son in Law and incredible Daughter) took some 30 High School Seniors to New Orleans for the week, those High Schools students who stayed behind in El Dorado Hills were given an opportunity to perform service projects in the community every day.

On Monday Axel (one of the other leaders) and I took two small groups and performed some maintenance on two elementary schools in North Highlands. Once the maintenance was complete we decided to make sack lunches (Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches - aka: Lunch in Mexico) which we wanted to give to the homeless in Sacramento. Axel had the forsight to purchase the fixings for the sandwiches and someone had donated chips and snack bars.

When we finished making the sack lunches we realized we only had enough lunches for about 16 people, then one of the students who was with us (Mitch) had a great idea, he suggeted we should stop by McDonald's and pick up a bunch of hamburgers and hand them out to the homeless also.

We headed to McDonald's, purchased about 30 hamburgers, and then headed out to serve the homeless. The students spent the next hour or so handing out sack lunches, hamburgers, bottled water, and snack bars to almost 50 homeless people living on the streets in Sacramento.

What a blessing it was to be able to help out on the service project Monday, the students were great and the people we were able to serve were very thankful for our presence.

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