Tuesday, October 28, 2008

There is Hope

Working with the Divorce Care group we see quite a few people who are going through separaton and divorce and when they first come to the ministry some are feeling very hopeless, when I hear how hopeless some are it takes me back to a time when we were just kids back in the 70’s.

A group of friends and I decided to do some exploring of a train tunnel in Southern California. There was a sign to the entrance of the tunnel that noted the length of the tunnel to be over 5000 feet in length and at the time it did not register to any of us that this tunnel was around a mile long. Being adventurous we all decided to walk through the tunnel to of course see what was on the other side. We figured we were about half way through the tunnel when we saw a light and of course we were all excited, hey look one of the group said there is the light at the end of the tunnel. But after a few seconds we noticed that the light at the end of the tunnel seemed to be getting brighter a lot quicker than at the pace that we were walking. Then we realized it the light at the end of the tunnel was a train. There was nowhere to hide the walls of the tunnel were maybe six feet from the tracks so of course we decided to try and out run the train and get out of the tunnel from the direction we came from. After another few seconds we realized that there was no way we were going to outrun this train, so we all decided to get together as a group, interlock our arms, and get as close to the wall as possible and hang on for dear life.

This was probably one of the longest few seconds of all of our young lives we could feel the pull of the train as it rumbled by, we could feel pebbles hitting our bodies that were being picked up by the train as it passed. But the train did pass and once the train was gone we got up as a group and got out of that tunnel as quick as possible. As a group we had our own I can’t wait which was for the train to pass and I can’t wait to get out of this tunnel. Okay so sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a train but we all had hope and that hope was in each other that we all would hold on to each other and not let go until the train had passed.

The Divorce Care Ministy is a great group of people who you can hold onto during this time and through this group we know that you will learn that there is hope in Jesus Christ!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Thanks God there is Hope in Jesus Christ!