Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Best Christmas Gift

The best gifts are ones that reflect the loving heart of God!

The Christmas gift I received from my son and daughter is just one of those gifts. Matt and Heather made me part of something very special this last year, this Life-Changing gift, given in my name, will now bring joy to a corner of our world that desperately needs to know that others care.

So what is this gift......One Chicken. Now you say how can One Chicken be a Life-Changing gift, well let me explain:

Matt and Heather made a donation in my name to World Vision, World Vision has in turn provided a Chicken to a family in need which will provide this family with a lasting source of nutrition and income. Fresh eggs raise the levels of protein and other nutrients in the family's diet, and the sale of extra eggs provides money for other household needs.

I would encourage everyone who reads this Blog to support the efforts of World Vision which is a Christian Organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide. What a wonderful way to demonstrate God's love for all people.

Thank you Matt and Heather for making me part of something very special!

Now Life Happens for another family.